I 40 West, I 40 Business West, NC 150 West, Boone Park Road to Boone Cave Park
Boone Park Road, NC 150 East, US 64 West, NC 801 North, I 40 East, NC 150 East, NC 67 North, I 40 Business East, NC 8 North, NC 89 North, NC 268 West, NC 66 South, Taylor Road, Rockhouse Road to Rack House
Rockhouse Road, Taylor Road, NC 66 North, NC 89 South, US 311 South, NC 65 East, US 158 East, NC 66 South, Bryan Boulevard , I 73 South, I 85 North, I 40 East.
Boone Cave Park was Boone Cave State Park, when I last visited back in the 1990's. It was pretty run down then. It has since been turned over to local control and has been spruced up a lot. The cave is about 75' long and requires light and caving protection to traverse. There are trails, an old cabin, a nice picnic pavilion overlooking the Yadkin River and a canoe/kayak access at a large rock ledge on the river.
The Rock House was built by Captain Jack Martin during the Revolutionary War and figured in the clash with the Tories from Tory Den (now in Hanging Rock State Park). The walls still stand, with modern supports cabled to them. Also on Rockhouse Road is a access to the Sauratown Trail, a horse/hiking trail connecting Hanging Rock and Pilot Mountain.
Clinched NC 8, NC 66. Mileage on NC 150, NC 67, NC 89, NC 268.