Monday, December 02, 2019

Philadelphia Thanksgiving

Great Falls of the Potomac

Day 1: US 15/501 North, I 85 North, I 95 North, VA 234 West to Montclair.
Local Roads, VA 123 South, I 95 North, MD 5 South, MD 233 North, MD 4 East, US 301 North, DE 1 North, I 95 North, I 495 North, I 95 North, I 476 North, PA 3 East to Havertown.
Day 4: Local roads, including PA 3, US 1, US 13.
Day 5: PA 3 West, I 476 South, I 95 South, I 495 South, US 13 South, I 295 South, I 95 South, I 495 West, VA 193 West to Great Falls Park.
VA 193 East, I 495 South, I 95 South, Local Road, US 1 South, US 17 Business North, I 95 South, VA 207 West, US 1 South, I 295 East, I 95 North, I 85 South, US 15/501 South to Chapel Hill.

Traffic was hell in both directions. On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, traffic was okay until north of Fredericksburg. On the Saturday of Thanksgiving, traffic was okay until Dale City.
Construction for the I-95 Express Lane extension proceeds in the median down to VA 3 (Plank Road).

DE: Mileage on US 13.
MD: Mileage on MD 4, 4, 233.
VA: Clinched I 295, VA 207. Mileage on I 95, US 1, VA 123, 193.

NPS Sites: George Washington Parkway: Great Falls Park.